Japan's Best Kept Skincare Secret

Win $100 of Japanese Saké Base Skincare Haul 👇

Sake is captivating trendsetters, from Brooklyn Beckham's Gen Z-focused brand to Dom Pérignon's ex-Cellar Master opening up a sake brewer. But you’ll be more excited by its impact in skincare!

Use Japanese sake fermented rice based skincare, to boost your skin radiance in less than 1 week! It's been used in Japan for over 400 years, so you know it's packed with the good stuff 🙌


Hidden Gem from Sake Brewers

Unlock the skincare magic of fermented rice with the INÉ Skin Nutrient Bar.

Made with Sake Kasu, an ancient Japanese beauty secret from the Sake Brewers. Sake Kasu naturally packs over 100 skin-loving actives for the luminous healthy, and exquisitely soft skin you deserve..

See the Magic Behind Sake Kasu

Japanese Sake Skincare Haul Giveaway